
veterinary acupuncture near you in Northport, ME

there are many ways to help your pet feel healthy and comfortable, and one of those is through the use of acupuncture. if you're looking for a veterinarian near you who offers acupuncture in the Northport, ME, area, blake vets is here to help. we understand how important it is for your pet to have the best quality of life and we can work with you on the supportive care your pet deserves. here is what to know about this treatment and how it helps your pet thrive.


what is acupuncture for pets?

just like people, pets can have aches and pains from all sorts of reasons. they may feel like they don't get around as easily as they used to and you may see them slowing down. while some of that is simple aging and can't be changed, using acupuncture can relieve a lot of the discomfort and make it more comfortable for your pet to move freely through the world. acupuncture treatment involves tiny needles inserted just slightly into the skin at specific points to reduce or eliminate pain.

how does acupuncture help with pain?

acupuncture helps your pets with pain by encouraging blood flow to the affected area. this can reduce stiffness and other discomfort, and also speed healing from an injury or help relieve the effects of a chronic condition. there's no reason to settle for less when your pets deserve the best. not only does acupuncture encourage healing but it can also promote relaxation of stiff, sore muscles, which will create more ease of movement.

can your pet benefit from this treatment?

your pet may get big benefits from acupuncture and the only way to know is to talk with a vet that offers it. then, you can get the information you need to make a knowledgeable decision about your pet's care. if your pet is a candidate for acupuncture, working with our skilled veterinarian means getting the best help for your pet's health and happiness.

choose a veterinarian near you today

contact us today at blake vets if you're looking for a veterinarian in the Northport, ME, area near you. we're here to help your pet feel their best, so they can enjoy more time with you in the future. Reaching out to us is the right choice when you need quality veterinary care, including treatments such as acupuncture, that can help your pets feel more like themselves again.

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